Monday, August 16, 2010

You're my last romance,

After skul, went amkhub with, twinneh, bitch & twinneh's brother & ex. Went there to have a look & go see my phonie. Im like so obsessed to my 'gonna buy in 6month's phonie' Wuuuu, i love it. Hhahaz XD, well 6months bodohhh! .. Long lehh, i cant even wait for days or weeks. Hahha, im like tt 1 lorhhh, hmmmms... Nthing to eloborate laos. Ciaosz! ^^

When I look at you,
I just remember of how happy I am with you
You turned my world around
I now see it in a good way, to live. Was it when my hands became sweaty
when my checks turned red
my heart pumping faster
or when you couldn't get out of my head.
The boy i love is very fine
and he's all mine
he is the apple of my eye
he would never make me cry.

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