Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I cant wait anymore. Seriously

Skul was fine, just that im a little bit slpy. After skul, stepped out of skul ard 2.02PM. Went to amkhub to buy ticket for 'Curse of the dessert' with bitch . Brought 13 & 14 couple sit. Den went down & headed to central, & me asked abt the preston. $130 ! Tht fren of my aunty, tt uncle gived me lower price. Normal price he sell is $150, gud hor ! Den i called my dad, he say i cant buy preston. Sad case! ); , den bitch went to buy shocks, lols! After tht ard 2.45PM went back amkhub, went to buy drink & popcorns. After tt went in to toilet, done. Went out & find bitch, den 2gether go in the cinema. Den the show starts. Ends at 4.58PM .. Den went shopping with bitch, den went back home.

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