Sunday, August 1, 2010

You teach me how to love. So i used the love, to love you.

Wake up tday ard 8 or 9plus. Went out to have lunch ard 1 or 2plus. Ate a late lunch actually, den went to another place look for something. Stay there till ard 5plus, went to grandma house. Had dinner over there, overall its raining whole day. & its a gud hair day! (; , next saturday set to go sit flyer. Although its like quite boring & expensive, still have to tag along w/ cousins.

Seeing your cuteness & handsomeness made me obsessed. I just cant live without your songs. Cos your songs just brings me back, back alive. & tts why i love you so damn deeply. You could never be replaced in my heart, you still remains in my heart. Deeply inside.

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