Friday, July 23, 2010

Pretty boy.

School as usual. Chinese class damn fun, help di damien tie hair. He act like agnes in 'Despicable me'. Omg we're like, laughing. Teacher oso have laugh, after tht had maths, teacher told me to teach kor elister & di ivan. I was like SHOCK siah, they all luhs. Dun wanna do maths home.w ); ! Poor me :pp But im happily beating kor elister :D! . & after skul, had red-cross. Tough, tired but FUN ! I've enjoyed alot overall, i really like my new sir, damn kind & funny too! :D, den cca over le. Wait cute joker untill like 6PM+ , damn damn the tired lao canzxc! , still ask me to wait for her ); , bad girl yi ge ! :pp. After tt saw kor elister & di tianci, they're so cute canzxc! :pp. Den abt 6PM+ going 7PM, went home. Walked quite a long distance canzxc! Frm skul to nainai's house. Dead tired canzxc! & my bag is damn heavy lor ! . After tht reached le, ate my dinner & ice-cream ! . Ard 8PM+ went bck homesweethome. Donie ~

P/S: Sir, we'll do our best in marching, & all those. We will ! ;D

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