Thursday, July 15, 2010

Bloody valentines

Heyohs!! :D , came to update. Arm pain has gone, now is stomach mucsles pain. Lols, a bad yr? Nah i doubt so, hahahs! . So aye, saturday going to buy my fav shirt! Sweetheart is comming w/ me if im not wrong. Accompany me ehs! :D , and yeah, sunday going to twinneh's house. Gonna watch video @ her house, cute joker is comming w/ me !, hhehehehs! . Daddy's driving us there, after tt mayb taking bus home 2gether. So shall wait till the day ! AWAITING !!

Edited, 170720101216PM.

Jolin: dua chiobu leh, sweet ! :d haha. TAGGED yeahh ~ < No luhs, hahhas! . Thanks aye, sweet ! ((:
Zirong: hello passedby your blog. tag :) < Hi, thanks (:
`CELIN: I be ur jie? cos i 14 < Replied @blog
`CELIN: Sure, U how old? < Replied @blog
xBobSAYS: TAGGED SIS =D < Thanks DI !
Cheyl: miss you miss you miss you miss you miss you miss you miss you miss you miss you miss you.. < Hahha, missed you too ~
Cheyl: hey lover hey hey XD < Heys!
~HONG~: tagged hor ! dont say i bad boy :P < Hahhaha, i nehver say lehh :PP
~HONG~: blackie ;D < Laughs.
Jolin: taggies sweet, i loves you =)) < Thanks sweet. Lovesyou too :D
xBobSAYS: tagged sis ... update update?! Hahahahs < Thanks, ahahah. Updated le larhs ! :D
Aimiko: missdieyou canzxc ! , hhahahas < Me too ! Laughs
Aimiko: lesbo ! :)) < Lessyboo :D
Melinda~ AiSiNi: den i'll be ur chiobu, hahahs :D < Hahha, kks.
Melinda~ AiSiNi: be gans? :D be my chiobu !! < SUre!

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